Saturday, November 14, 2009

I have a problem

What is all of this, you ask?

I took my sew-in out on October 10, and these are all the products I've bought since then. Back behind all the products on the other end of the counter is all the wine I've had to buy in order to deal with this natural hair, but that's neither here nor there.

I am so easy -- all it takes is me to read about some miracle product on a blog, or for a friend to mention she is using some great new conditioner, or trying one product in a line and then deciding I need to have the WHOLE line (Cantu I'm talking to you!) -- and I will be at the beauty supply store the next day. And think about it, this is not even including all the hair products that I already owned! I told a friend earlier this week that I have more hair products than the beauty supply store.

The good news is that I'm slowly but surely settling into my routine; learning what works on my hair and what doesn't work. And also, I can honestly say that I haven't ton of money on this new stuff. I almost fell into the trap of trying an expensive brand endorsed by a couple of celebrities. You know what brand I am talking about. I asked around about this brand and everyone hated it. Saved me $100! And one of the best products that I have found is something I already had in the kitchen, olive oil!

I'm making a vow to myself that I don't buy one more new thing until I have used up what I have here. I wonder if I'll be able to do it.


~Raw Sugar said...

You are a classic PRODUCT JUNKIE!!! You and my mom both! LOL

The good news is that once you get comfortable with your routine, you'll find what works best for YOUR hair and stick to it. I've found that I don't really love all the expensive, celebrity endorsed lines and that the cheapo stuff works best for me (and my wallet)!!!