Monday, December 21, 2009

Almost nine months post relaxer

So I am about eight months and three weeks out. I took a picture yesterday and I think that I have made a ton of progress! Here is a picture which was taken at the beginning of May -- just a little over a month after my last relaxer. You can see my hair is about ear length:

The bangs in the front are a glued-in (I know, I know) track, so my actual hair was quite a bit shorter in the front. Not long after that, I got a sew-in weave, and wore those through the summer and early fall. Now, here is a picture after I took the sew-in out and got my hair pressed. This pic was taken right around when I started this blog in October:

I am at neck length. Now, two months later, my hair looks to be just at shoulder length! I think I have had about two inches of growth:

I have to say that I owe it all to protective styles. I had no idea what that even meant before I started my healthy hair journey. But that phony pony has really allowed my hair to thrive. I can't wait to see what the next couple of months will bring!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ulta Offer

Saw this offer on Long Hair Care Forum:


30% off one item + 3 Free Samples
Expires Jan 2, 2010
Enter coupon code CJ30OFF1 at checkout

Go ahead and get your hair a Christmas present! Happy Shopping!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Product Review: Andis & Maxiglide Pt. II

So Friday night, after having my hair so nicely blown dry, I wrapped it, tied it in a satin scarf, and fell out *snore*

Saturday it was time to flat iron. I was so excited about my new Maxiglide. There are two big things that make this flat iron different. One was that the ceramic plates had teeth. Second, it used steam to help soften and straighten the hair. Let me tell you, I was a little apprehensive about the steam part. I had been taught all my life that water, humidity, etc was bad news for my hair. I didn't get how it was going to work, but I was willing to try.

The instructions said to steam the ends of your hair, then make one or two passes with the plates over the entire length. One thing that was stressed was not to apply too much pressure when holding the plates closed. Easy enough. I did my hair in sections starting in the back and working my way to the top and the front. It took me about an hour and here is the final result!

I have to say, it was almost as good as what I get at the salon. I cannot say enough good things about the results of the Maxiglide and Andis. It was an investment, but what I paid for both is less than a visit and a half to the salon. Totally worth it!

Product Review: Andis & Maxiglide Pt. I

As stated in the previous post, I am now the proud owner of an Andis hair dryer and Maxiglide flat iron. Woohoo!

The Andis hair dryer was purchased at Sally's for $29.99. I got a small discount because I am a beauty club member, so for me it was $27.99. It has 1875 watts, comes with comb and diffuser attachments, and supposedly dries faster due to ionic technology.

I ordered the Maxiglide from I got a great deal on it. The set came with the flat iron, Miniglide styler (basically a mini flat iron), 12 oz of both Maxius shampoo and conditioner, 8 oz Beyond Straight Temporary straightener, 1 oz The End Silicone Shine Enhancer, detangling brush, two carrying cases for the flat irons, and an instructional DVD. The price was $79.99, but I had a coupon code which took $15 off. $64.99 for all that stuff.... heck yea!!

On Friday, I washed my hair with the Maxius shampoo. It was nothing special -- not good and not bad. I would use it again. I used the conditioner to detangle. I liked it, it had a nice scent and a lot of slip, so it made detangling pretty easy. After towel drying my hair, I used a little Cantu leave in and coconut oil. I then detangled one more time, and let my hair dry a little, till it was only damp.

I then applied a little of the Beyond Straight all over my hair, and started drying. The first thing I noticed about the blow dryer is how light it was! I used to always feel like I was getting an arm workout while drying my hair. However, It was nice having the dryer be so light, but my hair was dry so quickly it didn't even matter! My hair isn't that long, so it doesn't take long anyway, but I think my hair was dry in FIVE minutes. Seriously. And the Beyond Straight had it looking and shiny and healthy as my hair has ever looked after being blown dry. Here is the final result:

Next, I'll review the Maxiglide!

New Purchases!

I know I know.... the last thing I need to be doing is buying anything else for my hair. If I would just stay off my new favorite site, Long Hair Care Forum, I would be good!

On Friday, I purchased the Andis Colorwaves Tourlamine Hair Dryer:

And my new flat iron was delivered, the Maxiglide MP:

I have to say, both were great deals and good investments. In my next post, I will do a review with pics of my hair results.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Beauty Shop

Last week, while I was sitting under the dryer at the salon, I was texting one of my girlfriends. She asked me how much longer I planned on getting my hair done at the salon. I immediately told her probably forever. She replied that one of the reasons she decided to go natural was to save money on getting her hair done. I told her I enjoyed going and I wasn't very good at doing my own hair, blah blah blah, etc etc etc. Then I started to think about it some more.

I was raised going to get my hair done religiously. I had my first relaxer at around age 3, and my mom took me every two weeks since then. I was thrilled when I got my first job when I was 16, because then I had my own spending money and could go get my hair done every week! Then I left for college, became poor, and couldn't go to the salon. My hair definitely suffered for it. After graduation and being all grown up, I went back to my salon going ways, and have even kept it up while I am transitioning my hair.

I think I have to change my thinking about taking care of my hair. In the last couple of months I have learned so much about my hair that sometimes I feel like I know more than any stylist I have ever had. However, because of my own experiences I still associate healthy hair with going to get it "done." One of my next goals is going to be to break out of that mindset.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My new weekend regimen

So I think that I finally figured out a good routine for my hair on the weeks where I don't have an appointment at the salon. Here is what I did yesterday:
  • Hot oil treatment - I covered my hair with ORS Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner from root to ends, then applied oil. I used one part olive oil and one part coconut oil. I covered my hair in a plastic hair and let it sit for about two hours.
  • I then rinsed it out and shampooed.
  • Deep conditioner - I used Ion Effective Care Intensive Therapy. I have always used this even before I decided to go natural and it seems to work well with my transitioning hair as well. I applied it, let it sit while I took my shower, then then detangled.
  • Towel dried my hair then applied Cantu Leave In Conditioner, and styled.
Today my hair feels great! Very soft and shiny!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I have a problem

What is all of this, you ask?

I took my sew-in out on October 10, and these are all the products I've bought since then. Back behind all the products on the other end of the counter is all the wine I've had to buy in order to deal with this natural hair, but that's neither here nor there.

I am so easy -- all it takes is me to read about some miracle product on a blog, or for a friend to mention she is using some great new conditioner, or trying one product in a line and then deciding I need to have the WHOLE line (Cantu I'm talking to you!) -- and I will be at the beauty supply store the next day. And think about it, this is not even including all the hair products that I already owned! I told a friend earlier this week that I have more hair products than the beauty supply store.

The good news is that I'm slowly but surely settling into my routine; learning what works on my hair and what doesn't work. And also, I can honestly say that I haven't ton of money on this new stuff. I almost fell into the trap of trying an expensive brand endorsed by a couple of celebrities. You know what brand I am talking about. I asked around about this brand and everyone hated it. Saved me $100! And one of the best products that I have found is something I already had in the kitchen, olive oil!

I'm making a vow to myself that I don't buy one more new thing until I have used up what I have here. I wonder if I'll be able to do it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Today's Salon Visit

My stylist says it's growing but I can't tell!

Protective Style Pics

I have recently started wearing a phony pony to protect my ends during the hair challenge I am participating in. Check it out!

Here is a picture of it from the side. I got a lot of compliments on it from my coworkers and friends, and my hair stylist loved it when I saw her today!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Product Review: Denman Brush

Since I started this hair journey, I've been reading about the Denman hair brush on all the hair blogs. Supposedly, it is good for detangling, blow drying, elongating your hair, massaging your scalp, turning water to wine, etc etc. This afternoon I was telling my friend (who is also natural) about last night's hair debacle, and she suggested the brush to me. I love to spend money so it didn't take much convincing from her that I needed to buy it.

I found the brush at Sally's Beauty Supply, and it was around $10. The cashier said "Another Denman! There's a cult following for these things or something!"

Got home, and did my usual routine of co-washing and detangling with a wide tooth comb in the shower. Towel dried, moisturized, and sealed with oil.

I am going to wear a fake ponytail for awhile as my protective style, and therefore needed to gather my own hair into a high ponytail to attach the fake hair. The brush worked great for that. It also was a second opportunity to get rid of any tangles that the shower comb might have missed.

My favorite thing about this brush is the scalp massage. I love having my scalp massaged and this brush definitely did the trick. Another thing that was great about it is that it worked to distribute product throughout my hair. And, a lot of people on the blogs say the brush makes their curls look better... makes them pop. It might be all in my head but I think it made mine look better too!

All in all, I think this was a great purchase. I have only used it once and I am already raving about it, so I'm sure it will be a good investment. Get this brush!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One of those days....

I am having a blah hair day. Went to the gym last night and when I got home, I let it air dry, then I simply wore a satin bonnet to bed. FAIL! This morning I tried to moisturize it and re-fluff my knot-out but my hair was not having it. So I got my big elastic and just put it in a puff.

Got home from work today and knew I needed to re-twist my knots. I tried to wet my hair with my spray bottle and tried to detangle and I was just having a really hard time with it. I came *thisclose* to getting the scissors and doing the big chop. However, I got a hold of myself, got my ends moisturized, and my twists are done.

Man.... natural hair is a lot of work sometimes!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Great Video!

Check out this video. Lots of great information about taking care of your hair!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Some observations

Good morning and Happy Halloween!

Last night I headed to to the Improv to see the comedienne Sommore with some friends from work. HILARIOUS! While waiting for the show to begin, I noticed something that shocked me (in a good way).

So many sistas rockin' the natural styles!

Last night was the first time I went out (OUT out, not out of the house... lol) without my hair stick straight. It was on day two of a bantu knot-out. To be honest I was kind of concerned but I got over it real quick because I was walking from my apartment to my car and one of my neighbors said how nice I looked. What a boost!

So I arrived at the comedy club, and was waiting on my friends, and I have to say I saw at least a third of the females wearing their hair natural. What a change from just a couple of years ago.

It's Halloween and I am attending a party tonight. Since I will be in costume anyway, I am going to try and stretch this knot-out for one more day. I hope I can make it... I'm not really up for twisting it today!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nutrition and Healthy Hair

Yea yea yea, we all know how important it is to keep your hair moisturized, use the right products, and minimize the amount of heat used to style your hair. But did you know what you put into your body has an affect on your hair health too?

The first, and probably easiest rule to remember when it comes to nutrition and your hair is drinking enough water. I have this one down pat, as water is probably what I drink about 90% of the time. Water is important for keeping both your hair and skin moisturized, as shown on the website Hair Finder:

Eight glasses of water per day is absolutely needed for healthy hair. You should drink water to clean out your system. This way, your body will be hydrated and your hair will also get more moisture.

Eating the right foods is also important. While drinking water is easy for me, always eating the right foods is not. I'm eating a slice of pizza as I type this! The best way to ensure healthy hair is eating nutrient-rich, high protein foods, but a multivitamin can help with making up the vitamins you lack. There is a lot more great information about nutrient rich foods in the Hair Finder article.

Your whole body will benefit from improving your eating habits, and in addition to beautiful hair you might have a great side benefit of losing a few pounds.

Remember the old saying, you are what you eat!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Seven Months Post Relaxer

As I mentioned before, I got my last relaxer in late March 2009. Right now I mainly wear it in two different styles. I need to start experimenting to try some more!

Here is my "protective style", the bantu knot out. This was my first attempt. I am a pro at it now! I can get about 2-3 days out of this style and it has saved my sanity when going to the gym.


And here is my hair after being freshly pressed and flat ironed. It's amazing how much longer it is when it is straightened. It will usually last a week, but if I work out, its OVAH.


I am REALLY trying to limit the amount of heat I use on my hair, and I actually think this might be my last press for awhile. I am going to participate in a hair challenge and part of the challenge is to minimize the heat used on my hair. More details on that to come!

My story

Seems like everyone is going natural these days. Tyra Banks has declared National Real Hair Day. Chris Rock just released his documentary Good Hair. The November issue of Essence has a multi-page spread about going natural.

So what does “going natural” really mean? For many, including myself, it means giving up relaxers. Relaxers are chemical straightening of the hair. For some people, it means giving up any chemicals on the hair, including color. And for others it includes giving up straightening in any form, including hot combs and heat.

I have chosen to simply give up relaxers, mainly because I am prematurely gray (lol) and they will pry the dye from my cold dead hands, and I work in a conservative field (accounting), and unfortunately even in 2009, straight hair still makes some people more comfortable.

So why did I decide to go natural? I have always been told I have a good grade of hair, but with relaxers, I could only get it to grow to a certain length. And I have very dry skin, which on my scalp manifested itself with a nasty case of dandruff, which was worse after every relaxer. I started to wonder if relaxers were really good for my hair, and in March 2009 I had my final relaxer.

And why the blog? I thought the blog would be a great way to monitor my progress, and if I helped someone along the way, even better! Another inspiration is one of my closest friends, who just adopted a bi-racial baby girl. I have been helping her search for information on black hair, and I thought “Why not compile my knowledge in one place?”