Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wave Nouveau... really?

This morning at work, in the crowded breakroom, a natural haired coworker looked at my hair and then asked me (loudly) "Hey your hair is really cute. Do you have a wave nouveau on it?" Ummmmm... what? I smiled and shook my head. She then said "Oh a texturizer?" I told her, no it's my natural hair. She looked at me stankly and said "THAT'S your natural hair? What do you do to it to get it like that?" I told her I washed, conditioned, and applied a little styling product. She just looked at me like "Yea whatever bish, if you say so" and went on her way.

What in the world? Do they even still make Wave Nouveau? Apparently so since she thought I had recently put it on my hair. And I wish this was something that happened rarely. Just yesterday another coworker asked me if I had a texturizer. When I told her no, she actually complimented me instead of acting like I was lying, so that wasn't quite so bad. Seriously though, at least once a week, someone asks me these type of questions. Not too long after I did my big chop, another coworker claimed I was not being real with her about what I was doing to my hair, because she tried using Kinky Curly on her hair and it did not yield the same results as it did on my hair. Yes girl, I am holding out on you so your hair won't look like mine. Are we in f^&%ing high school?

Don't get me wrong. I love talking about my hair, and giving advice to anyone that asks me. What I don't appreciate is people implying that I am lying about the state of my hair. Are people that ignorant about hair that they don't realize that different people can have different textures? Mine is curly. Ok, so what? I tell you I am not one to always accuse people of being haters, but a friend told me today, what else could it be? And I don't get it. There is nothing special about my hair. It's just hair! What is there to be jealous of -- especially from another natural as was the case in this morning's situation.

Every time I think we as a people are finally moving forward from all that foolishness with our hair and our skin, someone says something to make me realize that nothing much has changed at all.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Caring for my dyed hair

Because I have made the decision to dye my hair, I know that now I have to give my hair extra TLC. But what kind of TLC, exactly? This is what I have spent this weekend trying to figure out.

One of the main things I have seen is to make sure your hair is super moisturized. This is something that I generally very good about. Every morning I spritz my hair with my moisturizing braid spray, and then I seal with either whipped shea butter, or Jane Carter's Nourish & Shine. I think I will up this to evenings as well, and baggy my hair overnight.

Also, I think I need to be more diligent about deep conditioning. This is something I try and do every weekend, but sometimes if I have a full weekend planned, it just doesn't happen. I made sure I did it yesterday, using ORS Replenishing Conditioner. I applied it last night, baggied my hair, and kept it on overnight. This morning my hair was very soft and felt great. I am going to do this once a week going forward. I am also open to deep conditioner suggestions!

I have read that putting heat on your hair while it is dyed is also risky. I haven't straightened my hair since my big chop, but I still want the option to do so in the future. Since it's not something I do -- or am going to do -- often, I'm not totally writing off straightening yet.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Born to Run

Another project that I have recently taken on is I have started running. Well let's be real, it's more of a slow jog. But anyway, I have started doing it and I figured that documenting my training for upcoming races would be a cool thing to add to the blog. Healthy hair, healthy body, right?

In the past I have run occasionally, but never on a regular basis. Then at the beginning of April, I started (for the 1,934th time) the Couch to 5k Running Plan. The difference with this time though, was that I actually finished it. It took me 10 weeks. It's a nine week program but I had to repeat one of the weeks. After I finished, I was like "What next?" Then I found the Bridge to 10k, and that is what I am working on now. I start week two tomorrow.

I always run in the mornings, on the treadmill. But I am going to register for a 5k soon, so I figure I better take it outside to the pavement. So on Saturday morning, I am going to get up bright and early and run at the Katy Trail, which is a trail that runs through Uptown Dallas. I'm nervous and excited. I don't know why but for some reason running outside intimidates the heck out of me. I'm sure I'm just being silly!

The best thing about all this is that dealing with my hair when I workout is SO MUCH EASIER now. I think that's one of the biggest reasons I have actually stuck with it this time. Sad, but true.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

No more gray hair!

I'm finally getting around to writing about my salon visit. I've been hanging with the fam at my family reunion all weekend but I'm back! And I have color in my hair!

I arrived at Michelle Patrick Salon right on time for my appointment. I was greeted warmly by the salon owner and receptionist, offered a drink, and given an info sheet to fill out. My stylist was finishing up his previous client so I sat in the waiting area and observed. The salon was very cute -- it is located in a remodeled house -- so that was very different but I liked it. The clientele was definitely very young and hip. It is also a multicultural salon, so there were all different ethnicities, which was cool.

The previous client came out when she was done with our stylist, and after he told me he would be right with me after he checked the client out, the client complimented my hair! She said that she was thinking about going natural and mine was really cute.

Anyway, after my stylist was done with her, he took me to the "color bar" where we discussed what I was looking for. I told him I just wanted to give my hair some texture and some "pop." Nothing too crazy or dramatic since I still have to go work for The Man every day. He said he would do an all over dark reddish brown with some reddish blonde highlights in the front. He asked me if I wanted it straightened, and I thought I did, but I chickened out and just ended up getting a twist out. Here is the final result:



I have to say that I love it! It's exactly what I was looking for! I got a ton of compliments on it from my family over the weekend, and I can't wait for my coworkers to see it tomorrow. I really loved MP Salon and my stylist. I definitely have found a new place to go when I need trims or if I ever get brave enough to straighten it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Color update

So I was supposed to get my hair colored the week after Memorial Day, but that had to be nixed because my car got broken into! My new car that I had only had for two weeks. Some clown came and busted the window but didn't steal anything, because there was nothing in there to steal. Big dummy. Three other cars at my apartments got hit. Anyway, the money I'd budgeted for my color went to fixing my window.

But I think everything is going to work out even better. Thanks to Groupon (I freakin love that site), I am going to be able to get my color done for $35. I will be going to Michelle Patrick Salon here in Dallas. It is a multi-ethinic Paul Mitchell salon who is experienced in natural hair. Yippee! I will get $125 worth of services for $35. My appointment is this week and I am so essai!

Reviews and pics to come later this week!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Should you comprimise your curls?

I always see a lot of people on blogs and hair boards talk about dating with natural hair, and working in corporate America with natural hair. This is a hot topic, and I think something that a lot of people worry about when making the decision to go natural.

As far as being natural at work, luckily this is not something I have had to worry about. There are several people who are natural who work in my department, so I knew I wouldn’t get a lot of the questions that can go along with deviating from the “norm.” I have been at my job for three years and been promoted twice. Both times were while I was transitioning. I don’t think now that I am rocking my natural that it will prohibit my advancement, but you just never know.

I have no plans of leaving my job anytime soon, but if I were put in the position of having to interview for a new job, I’m not sure what I would do with my hair. Soon it should be long enough for a bun, so I might do something like that or a phony pony. When it comes to getting a job, I have the attitude of doing what you need to do to get that job offer. That being said, you have to do what you are comfortable with.

That brings me to the dating thing. Straightening your hair to catch a man? Hell NAW. There is no way, no how. The fact that women out there feel like they need to do this makes me weep. This hair is who I am, and if you don’t like me the way I am, then you are not the one for me! I wish more women would realize this.

The ironic thing is that since I did my big chop, I have had more male attention than I have had in the last year. It’s really very interesting. I think it cuts out a lot of the BS. Maybe men who can appreciate natural hair are different? I don’t know. But what it comes down to is this: DO NOT compromise who you are for ANY man. Never ever ever!

That’s my two cents on some issues that naturals face!