Sunday, June 27, 2010

Caring for my dyed hair

Because I have made the decision to dye my hair, I know that now I have to give my hair extra TLC. But what kind of TLC, exactly? This is what I have spent this weekend trying to figure out.

One of the main things I have seen is to make sure your hair is super moisturized. This is something that I generally very good about. Every morning I spritz my hair with my moisturizing braid spray, and then I seal with either whipped shea butter, or Jane Carter's Nourish & Shine. I think I will up this to evenings as well, and baggy my hair overnight.

Also, I think I need to be more diligent about deep conditioning. This is something I try and do every weekend, but sometimes if I have a full weekend planned, it just doesn't happen. I made sure I did it yesterday, using ORS Replenishing Conditioner. I applied it last night, baggied my hair, and kept it on overnight. This morning my hair was very soft and felt great. I am going to do this once a week going forward. I am also open to deep conditioner suggestions!

I have read that putting heat on your hair while it is dyed is also risky. I haven't straightened my hair since my big chop, but I still want the option to do so in the future. Since it's not something I do -- or am going to do -- often, I'm not totally writing off straightening yet.