Thursday, June 10, 2010

Should you comprimise your curls?

I always see a lot of people on blogs and hair boards talk about dating with natural hair, and working in corporate America with natural hair. This is a hot topic, and I think something that a lot of people worry about when making the decision to go natural.

As far as being natural at work, luckily this is not something I have had to worry about. There are several people who are natural who work in my department, so I knew I wouldn’t get a lot of the questions that can go along with deviating from the “norm.” I have been at my job for three years and been promoted twice. Both times were while I was transitioning. I don’t think now that I am rocking my natural that it will prohibit my advancement, but you just never know.

I have no plans of leaving my job anytime soon, but if I were put in the position of having to interview for a new job, I’m not sure what I would do with my hair. Soon it should be long enough for a bun, so I might do something like that or a phony pony. When it comes to getting a job, I have the attitude of doing what you need to do to get that job offer. That being said, you have to do what you are comfortable with.

That brings me to the dating thing. Straightening your hair to catch a man? Hell NAW. There is no way, no how. The fact that women out there feel like they need to do this makes me weep. This hair is who I am, and if you don’t like me the way I am, then you are not the one for me! I wish more women would realize this.

The ironic thing is that since I did my big chop, I have had more male attention than I have had in the last year. It’s really very interesting. I think it cuts out a lot of the BS. Maybe men who can appreciate natural hair are different? I don’t know. But what it comes down to is this: DO NOT compromise who you are for ANY man. Never ever ever!

That’s my two cents on some issues that naturals face!