Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Born to Run

Another project that I have recently taken on is I have started running. Well let's be real, it's more of a slow jog. But anyway, I have started doing it and I figured that documenting my training for upcoming races would be a cool thing to add to the blog. Healthy hair, healthy body, right?

In the past I have run occasionally, but never on a regular basis. Then at the beginning of April, I started (for the 1,934th time) the Couch to 5k Running Plan. The difference with this time though, was that I actually finished it. It took me 10 weeks. It's a nine week program but I had to repeat one of the weeks. After I finished, I was like "What next?" Then I found the Bridge to 10k, and that is what I am working on now. I start week two tomorrow.

I always run in the mornings, on the treadmill. But I am going to register for a 5k soon, so I figure I better take it outside to the pavement. So on Saturday morning, I am going to get up bright and early and run at the Katy Trail, which is a trail that runs through Uptown Dallas. I'm nervous and excited. I don't know why but for some reason running outside intimidates the heck out of me. I'm sure I'm just being silly!

The best thing about all this is that dealing with my hair when I workout is SO MUCH EASIER now. I think that's one of the biggest reasons I have actually stuck with it this time. Sad, but true.