Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 1!

So today was the first day of my new healthy lifestyle. I think it went pretty well - until I got home this evening.

I stuck to my plan for breakfast: I had two mini quiches and a greek yogurt. Lunch was leftovers from last night: tilapia and steamed broccoli. I felt great and after work went to the gym. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, and did 30 minutes of weight training.

I got home, and was STARVING. I jumped in the shower, did a wash-n-go, and looked for something to eat. The first thing I saw was some salt & vinegar potato chips. Why didn't I throw those out yesterday? Luckily there weren't too many in there. I guesstimated (another bad move) 2 oz. I journaled it and moved on but I am pretty upset with myself. I am going to have to start planning a good snack for the afternoons so when I get home I am not reaching for the first thing I see in the kitchen.

All that being said, for my first day I think I did ok.

We also got **74** participants signed up for our Biggest Loser contest at work! I'm looking forward to the friendly competition between coworkers!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Failure to plan.... planning to fail ~ Alan Lakein

This is one of my favorite quotes. I am a planner by nature. I love a good to-do list. Going on vacation? Come to me, I love to research the locale. I am on the Fun Committee at my job, responsible for planning all the events around the office. One area I struggle with my love of planning is in healthy diet.

Anytime I have been successful with a healthy lifestyle, it's because I planned ahead every bite that went into my mouth. Because of this, I am planning out my menus for the week as I type. Being that I am single, I can cook a couple of things and stretch them for the entire week, so that helps a lot. Here are the meals I have planned for this week:

Mini Quiches
Baked Oatmeal

Dinner leftovers

Lemon Garlic Tilapia, broccoli, brown rice
Mexican Stuffed Peppers

I'll be sharing these recipes throughout the week!

The Biggest Loser!

I haven't posted in awhile but I'm back! Life has been a little hectic the last couple of weeks, bu things are back to normal.

Anyway, at my job we do a little weight loss competition modeled after the television show. The next "season" starts tomorrow. This weekend I have been fattening myself up for the initial weigh in tomorrow morning (haha). I am also spending today making some healthy breakfasts on the go.

I am going to follow the Weight Watchers Simply Filling Technique, which is pretty much a cross between the South Beach Diet and the traditional points technique of Weight Watchers. If anyone is a long term Weight Watcher (like myself *_*), and remembers the Core plan, it's basically that, with a new name.

So I thought it would be fun to document my process on my blog. With me having to post updates it will help keep me accountable too. I'll still be talking hair and fitness, and we'll just add this to the agenda as well.

I'll check back in tomorrow with the initial weigh in update and maybe if I'm feeling brave, some starting pictures!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Answered prayers

A little departure from the normal topics around here.... The weirdest thing happened last week.

A few months ago, my friend wanted to try online dating, and wanted me to try it too, so I said what the heck. However, I am not even going to lie, I am extremely picky, so it wasn't really going anywhere for me, until I heard from this guy, we'll call him "R".

R seemed nice enough, normal, employed, and had all his teeth, so I continued to chat with him. And chat. And talk. And text. Lather, rinse, repeat. Never any plans to actually get together. Why I continued this foolishness for two months, I have no idea, but I did. I guess nothing better going on. It's not like he lived across the country - he lives in a suburb about ten miles from me. So there was no reason for us not to meet asap.

Anyway, last week, we were texting AGAIN, and he busts out with "I think I used to date you." I've seen this ninja's picture, and he doesn't even look vaguely familiar. I told him I thought he was mistaken. He asked me if I used to live in GenericSuburb. Check. Didn't you have surgery for xyz? Ummm, yea. And you drove a green car and moved back to Dallas? Ok, WTF? How can I not remember anything about this dude? I was freaked out, but also embarrassed. The ONLY thing that was strangely familiar is that when I got his number, I thought it looked like a number I'd seen before. I work with numbers all day and have a tendency to memorize them easily, so there you go. The only thing I can remember about this guy was his phone number? Good grief.

My main concern was why did we stop dating? I asked R, and he said we just grew apart. That doesn't sound me at all. So I prayed about it. I asked God to please let me know what I needed to do about this guy. That is saying a lot for me, because I am (sadly) not a big prayer. God forgive me. But you know what, God always comes right on time.

R and I were supposed to get together finally tonight. I was the one who finally had to force the issue, which I don't like at all. He told me that he would let me know b/c he might have to go out of town, and he would let me know this morning. I am not the type of girl to put my life on hold waiting around on some man, but I made an exception and looked to hear from him this morning. Not a word from him. So, now I think I have my answer as to why he and I stopped dating eight years ago. His weirdness about us getting together, the fact that I have felt I have had to chase him, and his lack of consideration about letting me know about tonight told me all I need to know.

So the whole point of this long drawn out story is that prayer works, and listen to what God is trying to tell you, even if it's not what you want to hear! And as Jay-Z would say:

The twist out revisited

I'm still being super adventurous and rocking my twist outs. I really like them because my hair isn't quite so shrunken and it shows off my length a bit. Plus it makes my hair look really thick. Here is a picture of my second attempt last week.

(I'm such a dork)

Then, this past Wednesday I got really crazy and decided to do a twist and curl.

I used a combo of flexirods and perm rods. It wasn't bad sleeping on them. The next morning I took them out and there was one random piece that was hanging down lower than the rest, so I had to roll it while I finished getting ready.

It turned out ok though, I think. It's not my favorite so I don't know if I'll be trying this one again.

I DID remember to take the perm rod out before I left for work!

Last night, I washed my hair, and for the first time since doing my BC, I did not do a wash and go! I washed with Nutrogena T-Gel (I have developed dry scalp again, something I thought was gone by way of the relaxer), conditioned with Joico Moisture Recovery, and applied Knot Today as my leave in. I squeezed the excess water out, divided my hair into four sections and did a large twist in each section. I let my hair dry to about 80% dry, then did small twists all over using Nourish & Shine and ORS Twist and Lock Gel.

When I woke up this morning my hair was totally dry so I untwisted and separated each twist. My hair was full of super defined ringlets. It was gorgeous and of course I didn't take any pictures this time! I got several compliments while I was out shopping today! The cashier at DSW was telling me that she was currently transitioning and was 8 months post relaxer. I gave her some encouragement and told her to stick with it, it would be worth it in the end!

I got home before it got too hot and retwisted it again since I don't plan on going out tonight. Tomorrow headed on a road trip to San Antonio with one of my besties. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I just had to share this conversation between my coworker (a sista) and I this morning:

Coworker: What you done did to your hair now?

(hasn't my hair looked like this for the last three months, minus the two days it was straight?)

Me: *stank eye* I washed it.

Coworker: But it was so pretty and long! You should wear it like that.

Me: Well, I like it curly and straight but the curly is just easier.

Coworker: Once you get it trained, straight will be easier. It's really growing.

Me: Yea it is growing. I like my hair the way it is, I don't want my hair to be trained.

Coworker: If you'd get your hair trained, it might get as long as mine one day.

Me: *death stare with fake smile*


And THEN, later on that morning we have conversation with me and coworker "Becky":

Becky: You're hair is curly again!

Me: Yep

Becky: Well I just wanted to tell you your hair is so cute either way. It's so versatile.

Me: Thank you!


I just really have no words about my own people sometimes.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


My inner product junkie won out this weekend and I ordered two new products: Jessicurl Weekly Deep Treatment and Wonder Curl. So I'll be doing some product reviews in the near future.

Today after work, I washed my hair and my straight hair was no more. It was fun while it lasted. I was grateful to find I had no heat damage. I was really concerned that I would have some.

I have been a slug since I've been back on vacation. How does one work out every day on vacation then decide to take a break when they return? Foolishness. Anyway, tomorrow morning I am going to start over with my Bridge to 10K program. I am trying to lose 10 lbs this month.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

And now for something really different...

Every month or so, I think I want to straighten my hair. I get myself all psyched up to do it then I chicken out. This time curiosity got the best of me, so I called the salon where I got my color done and made an appointment, which was yesterday. I wanted to do a length check, and see if I needed a trim.

It turned out so well, I wish I hadn't done it.. lol. Good thing I love my curls!

He also said my ends were in great shape and there was no need for a trim. That was a new one, as I'm used to being in a constant state of "needing a trim" and never being able to get my hair past a certain length. Now I have the longest my hair has been in my adult life. I have to say going natural is the best thing I have ever done for my hair.