Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My first twistout!

Me being me, I have been getting a little bored with my hair, so I thought I would experiment and try something new. I was sitting on the couch messing with my hair, and I did a couple of sections in two strand twists. Then I thought, well let's get crazy and do my whole head! Because as you know it doesn't get any crazier than a twist out. I'm such a daredevil!

I took a lot of breaks and it took me about two, two and a half hours to finish. Here is a picture of my hair in twists. They turned out pretty big but I think I did an ok job keeping them uniform:

This was done dry, on a two day old wash and go, and I didn't use any additional products on it as I twisted it. I put on my satin bonnet and slept on the twists overnight. The next morning, I took the twists out, using a little Jane Carter Nourish and Shine to separate and fluff. I wasn't too sure at first but I kept working with it and put on a headband and ended up really liking it:

My coworkers were all "your hair is longer!" I didn't want to try to explain the whole stretching thing to them because they wouldn't get it anyway so I just said I did something different with it. Anyway, now I feel confident to try some different things so who knows what I will come up with in the future.

On another note, look how much my hair has grown since I got my highlights last month!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Denman brush revisited

This morning I pulled out my trusty Denman brush and decided to use it to shingle my hair with the Kinky Curly Curling Custard. Thought I would try something different. I kind of had forgotten about my brush... hahaha.

I washed, conditioned, and applied Knot Today as my leave in. I sectioned my hair in four sections and clipped each section. In the section I was working on, I separated smaller sections, brushed with the Denman, then applied a small amount of KCCC. I repeated this over my entire head.

I used the same amount of product I usually do (maybe even less), and it didn't really take much longer than it usually takes me to do a wash and go. And here are the results:

Cute! Curls are poppin', but the shrinkage is killing me! It blows my mind looking at that picture, that I can pull my hair back into a ponytail.

Anyway, it's almost time for me to get my Carribbean on. I'll post again next week when I return!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Slowly but surely

So I'm still doing my running evening though I have not really given an update. Oops! I just finished Week 3 of the Bridge to 10K. That was a tough one. It actually took me four sessions to finish instead of the planned three sessions.

I am going to start Week 4 on Wednesday, and I am going to TRY and keep it going while I am on vacation later this week. Week 4 consists of a 5 minute warmup walk, run 18 minutes/walk 1 minute, repeating this three times, then a 5 minute cooldown walk. Week 3 was 17 minutes of running, so hopefully I won't have too hard a time with this.

What I haven't been doing is running outside like I should. It's just so hard! My whole body hurt last time I did it a couple of weekends ago. I need to get back on track or I'm not going to be ready for my 5K I have planned next month.

I use Nike+ to track my running, and I made it to the Green Level, which means I have run a total of 154 miles. Go me! To celebrate my accomplishment, I think I might treat myself to a new pair of running shoes. Any excuse to shop! Plus I won't get to the next level until I get to 620 miles. WOW.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hair/progress pics

Today was deep conditioner and wash day, so I thought I would take some pictures of my hair while it was damp so I could see how it looked before shrinkage. Here is one damp hair shot with some leave in conditioner:

Here is a different view. Please excuse my brows. I am going to get them done today, lol:

Here it is after I've applied my KCCC:

And here is the back:

Shrinkage is something else. You can't tell from the pictures, but my hair is now long enough to pull back into a small ponytail. Definitely long enough to attach a phony pony if I want to go back to that as a protective style. I think I am making great progress! Also, looking at my roots, I think I have gained about a half an inch in length since I got my highlights which was a little less than a month ago. I'll take it!

Finally, when I had my big chop almost three months ago I went out and bought the KCCC. I balked a little at the price, but I am happy to say that I am still on the same jar that I bought three months ago. And I probably have enough to last another month or so. So definitely worth the money in my opinion.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Perfecting my flat twists

I had today off from work so I have been playing around with my hair while I was lazing around on the couch. I really want to get my flat twist technique down, because I want to be able to do this style:

I think I've got it down, I just have to practice more. I would love to be able to do it for when I go on vacation in 9 days, but knowing me, that's not going to happen. I would just love not to have to fool with my hair for a few days. Maybe I can talk one of my friends into doing it for me :-)