Monday, July 12, 2010

Slowly but surely

So I'm still doing my running evening though I have not really given an update. Oops! I just finished Week 3 of the Bridge to 10K. That was a tough one. It actually took me four sessions to finish instead of the planned three sessions.

I am going to start Week 4 on Wednesday, and I am going to TRY and keep it going while I am on vacation later this week. Week 4 consists of a 5 minute warmup walk, run 18 minutes/walk 1 minute, repeating this three times, then a 5 minute cooldown walk. Week 3 was 17 minutes of running, so hopefully I won't have too hard a time with this.

What I haven't been doing is running outside like I should. It's just so hard! My whole body hurt last time I did it a couple of weekends ago. I need to get back on track or I'm not going to be ready for my 5K I have planned next month.

I use Nike+ to track my running, and I made it to the Green Level, which means I have run a total of 154 miles. Go me! To celebrate my accomplishment, I think I might treat myself to a new pair of running shoes. Any excuse to shop! Plus I won't get to the next level until I get to 620 miles. WOW.