Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 1!

So today was the first day of my new healthy lifestyle. I think it went pretty well - until I got home this evening.

I stuck to my plan for breakfast: I had two mini quiches and a greek yogurt. Lunch was leftovers from last night: tilapia and steamed broccoli. I felt great and after work went to the gym. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, and did 30 minutes of weight training.

I got home, and was STARVING. I jumped in the shower, did a wash-n-go, and looked for something to eat. The first thing I saw was some salt & vinegar potato chips. Why didn't I throw those out yesterday? Luckily there weren't too many in there. I guesstimated (another bad move) 2 oz. I journaled it and moved on but I am pretty upset with myself. I am going to have to start planning a good snack for the afternoons so when I get home I am not reaching for the first thing I see in the kitchen.

All that being said, for my first day I think I did ok.

We also got **74** participants signed up for our Biggest Loser contest at work! I'm looking forward to the friendly competition between coworkers!