Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wave Nouveau... really?

This morning at work, in the crowded breakroom, a natural haired coworker looked at my hair and then asked me (loudly) "Hey your hair is really cute. Do you have a wave nouveau on it?" Ummmmm... what? I smiled and shook my head. She then said "Oh a texturizer?" I told her, no it's my natural hair. She looked at me stankly and said "THAT'S your natural hair? What do you do to it to get it like that?" I told her I washed, conditioned, and applied a little styling product. She just looked at me like "Yea whatever bish, if you say so" and went on her way.

What in the world? Do they even still make Wave Nouveau? Apparently so since she thought I had recently put it on my hair. And I wish this was something that happened rarely. Just yesterday another coworker asked me if I had a texturizer. When I told her no, she actually complimented me instead of acting like I was lying, so that wasn't quite so bad. Seriously though, at least once a week, someone asks me these type of questions. Not too long after I did my big chop, another coworker claimed I was not being real with her about what I was doing to my hair, because she tried using Kinky Curly on her hair and it did not yield the same results as it did on my hair. Yes girl, I am holding out on you so your hair won't look like mine. Are we in f^&%ing high school?

Don't get me wrong. I love talking about my hair, and giving advice to anyone that asks me. What I don't appreciate is people implying that I am lying about the state of my hair. Are people that ignorant about hair that they don't realize that different people can have different textures? Mine is curly. Ok, so what? I tell you I am not one to always accuse people of being haters, but a friend told me today, what else could it be? And I don't get it. There is nothing special about my hair. It's just hair! What is there to be jealous of -- especially from another natural as was the case in this morning's situation.

Every time I think we as a people are finally moving forward from all that foolishness with our hair and our skin, someone says something to make me realize that nothing much has changed at all.


Chrissystina said...

Yes, chile! If you have ONE curl on your head you MUST be either:
A. Mixed
B. Wearing a texturizer
C. Or spend hours greasing your hair with Wave Nouveau

How about D. I use the right products and know how to keep my hair moisturized.

Why are Black people so surprised that we have curl in our hair?

Most African Americans have curl in their hair, we have at least 3-4different textures on our heads ANYWAY

Enjot your journey. I'm sure you will start getting, "I WOULD go natural, but I don't have good hair like yours" any day now!


Curly in Texas said...

Preach Chrissystina!

And that is funny that you said that... one of my friends said that to me the other week at happy hour! I had forgot about that one... smh