Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nutrition and Healthy Hair

Yea yea yea, we all know how important it is to keep your hair moisturized, use the right products, and minimize the amount of heat used to style your hair. But did you know what you put into your body has an affect on your hair health too?

The first, and probably easiest rule to remember when it comes to nutrition and your hair is drinking enough water. I have this one down pat, as water is probably what I drink about 90% of the time. Water is important for keeping both your hair and skin moisturized, as shown on the website Hair Finder:

Eight glasses of water per day is absolutely needed for healthy hair. You should drink water to clean out your system. This way, your body will be hydrated and your hair will also get more moisture.

Eating the right foods is also important. While drinking water is easy for me, always eating the right foods is not. I'm eating a slice of pizza as I type this! The best way to ensure healthy hair is eating nutrient-rich, high protein foods, but a multivitamin can help with making up the vitamins you lack. There is a lot more great information about nutrient rich foods in the Hair Finder article.

Your whole body will benefit from improving your eating habits, and in addition to beautiful hair you might have a great side benefit of losing a few pounds.

Remember the old saying, you are what you eat!