Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Seven Months Post Relaxer

As I mentioned before, I got my last relaxer in late March 2009. Right now I mainly wear it in two different styles. I need to start experimenting to try some more!

Here is my "protective style", the bantu knot out. This was my first attempt. I am a pro at it now! I can get about 2-3 days out of this style and it has saved my sanity when going to the gym.


And here is my hair after being freshly pressed and flat ironed. It's amazing how much longer it is when it is straightened. It will usually last a week, but if I work out, its OVAH.


I am REALLY trying to limit the amount of heat I use on my hair, and I actually think this might be my last press for awhile. I am going to participate in a hair challenge and part of the challenge is to minimize the heat used on my hair. More details on that to come!