Saturday, March 26, 2011


As I said in my last post, I am currently wearing weave. Just like anything else to do with my hair, everyone had questions and opinions. One friend wanted to know why I was getting weave when I was "supposedly" natural. I tried to explain about protective styling, etc, but his eyes just glazed over. My cousin assumed I got weave so I could work out more. Um no, I don't let my hair stop me from hitting the gym. These are just a couple of the questions people asked but I had many, many more.

Mainly, the reason I decided to wear weave is because I simply wanted to give my hair a break. Any time I have worn braids or weave my hair has grown like a weed. I wanted to leave it alone to grow without being manipulated daily.

I wanted hair that looked like my own, just longer. I did a ton of research on the Black Hair Media forums, and decided on All About My Hair's Kinky Curly wefted hair. It can be found here. I got the 12 inch length, and my stylist ended up cutting a lot. I wish I had left it a little longer looking back but there is always next time.

Had I left my hair out (another regret), it would have blended perfectly. The hair was kind of an off-black/really dark brown color, and that did not work for me. I guess I am too used to coloring my hair! Here is how it looked when it was first installed:

It's hard to see how dark it is there, but it was dark. About a week and a half later, I went to MPS to get my color done. It's the same salon who did the color on my natural hair. I can't believe how good it turned out. I gave her minimal guidance and it turned out absolutely perfect. However, my stylist was not too impressed with my weave install. She had to tighten up parts of it for me, a week and a half after it had been installed. Oops! Anyway, here is how it looks with the color. Yes, I am having a photo shoot at my desk at work. Shouldn't I be working?

All in all, I love my hair. There are a couple of things I wish I had done differently, but it's not a huge deal. Since I got a good, quality hair this time, I'm hoping that this install will last me awhile and I can reuse the hair.