Saturday, April 17, 2010

Big Chop

This morning, April 17 2010, I officially became natural!

All week I had been itching to do my big chop, but I couldn't decide if I should. I had a hair appointment, but the plan was to get my usual wash and press/flat iron. I was so tired of paying for a press when it would revert sometimes almost immediately after I left the salon. At best, it would last until the next time I worked out. What a waste of money!

So Friday afternoon I called my stylist and talked it over with her. I almost felt like she was discouraging me (but I later found out it was because she thought I had less new growth than I actually had). Her final words to me were "If you think you can rock it confidently, do it." I told her I would think it over and let her know my decision when I came to the salon.

This morning, I walked in and she asked my decision and I told her "Let's do it!" I had already taken out my braids and combed out all the shed hairs, so I was ready. She washed and deep conditioned it, sat me down in the chair, and asked if I was ready. Next thing I heard was snip, snip, snip! She was surprised at how little she had to cut. I had about 5-6 inches of natural hair. Here I was after the cut.


I decided that I wanted a little color, so I got a burgundy rinse put on. She then did my hair in two-strand twists, and set me under the dryer. And here is the final result.


I absolutely love it! I think it turned out so cute! I thought I would be sad cutting my hair, but I didn't feel sad at all. I tell you what though, shrinkage is something else. I think that is the part that was most shocking to me, but I'll live.

Here is another pic that I took once I got home.


All in all, I have NO regrets about my big chop and I am ready to really get my healthy hair journey started!


Chrissystina said...


You hair looks so cute and extra, extra soft! Good for you, you did it!

Curly in Texas said...

Thanks girl! My stylist told me a long time ago I would do it when I was ready and I guess I was ready!