Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Denman brush revisited

This morning I pulled out my trusty Denman brush and decided to use it to shingle my hair with the Kinky Curly Curling Custard. Thought I would try something different. I kind of had forgotten about my brush... hahaha.

I washed, conditioned, and applied Knot Today as my leave in. I sectioned my hair in four sections and clipped each section. In the section I was working on, I separated smaller sections, brushed with the Denman, then applied a small amount of KCCC. I repeated this over my entire head.

I used the same amount of product I usually do (maybe even less), and it didn't really take much longer than it usually takes me to do a wash and go. And here are the results:

Cute! Curls are poppin', but the shrinkage is killing me! It blows my mind looking at that picture, that I can pull my hair back into a ponytail.

Anyway, it's almost time for me to get my Carribbean on. I'll post again next week when I return!


kenda said...

shrinkage is a beast! i don't shingle my hair often but when i do, i'm amazed at how short my hair looks.