Sunday, June 13, 2010

Color update

So I was supposed to get my hair colored the week after Memorial Day, but that had to be nixed because my car got broken into! My new car that I had only had for two weeks. Some clown came and busted the window but didn't steal anything, because there was nothing in there to steal. Big dummy. Three other cars at my apartments got hit. Anyway, the money I'd budgeted for my color went to fixing my window.

But I think everything is going to work out even better. Thanks to Groupon (I freakin love that site), I am going to be able to get my color done for $35. I will be going to Michelle Patrick Salon here in Dallas. It is a multi-ethinic Paul Mitchell salon who is experienced in natural hair. Yippee! I will get $125 worth of services for $35. My appointment is this week and I am so essai!

Reviews and pics to come later this week!


Unknown said...

Hi Curly in TX!!!! I was researching the BKT and so I have been stalking your blog just to see where at in TX you are located. DALLAS!!! Yeah! So, I have yet to find a natural salon or seek hair services so far. (I'm 10 months natural) Would you recommend this salon for ALL natural hair services? The BKT, colors, etc? Thanks in advance. I will be subbing. =)

Curly in Texas said...

Hi KeShia! Yes I would! Well not the BKT - I went somewhere else for that. But I have gotten my color done there and I have gotten my hair flat ironed there. I have a weave in now, but if I get another one, I will get it done there as well. One warning - it is expensive. I think it is worth it though.

Unknown said...

Funny becuase I have the EXACT same hair in as you and I'm taking it down after 7 weeks to go get a BKT. I haven't worn my hair out in over 5 months and I'm super nervous about it so.....hopefully with the BKT, I will feel a bit more confident. Wish me luck. I love the AAMH KC though. Just LOVE! It will be back in my head soon I'm sure. (it's expensive!)

Unknown said...

Ok, I'm looking at the MPS they offer the BKT? If so, it's not clearly tagged. I'd rather get it done somewhere that I know they can do curly hair. Ironically, I have had the AAMH KC in my head for 7 weeks now and I'm taking it down for a BKT. Love that's $$$$ though.

Curly in Texas said...

I don't think they do it at MPS, but I can give you the info of the lady who did mine. She uses Copolla Keratin Treatment. The only thing is that she is in Keller.